or not to sleep…
that is the question!
Currently Lucy and I are at the Hotel DuPont undergoing a sleep study, rather I should say will be undergoing a sleep study. Lucy that is, not me. My sleep study will occur, not as scientifically I might add, over the next 24 to 48 hours when we see how long my body can go with little to no sleep. I am sitting in the bed next to Lucy having a staring contest with her and typing this blog post. It is 10:47PM, over one hour since they made her look like a teeny tiny mummy and plugged her into a very cumbersome electrical box, and…well…my girly is still awake playing with her covers, giving me the cutest eyes you ever did see! I am hoping that if I continue focusing on my computer screen that she will grow tired of me not paying any attention to her and fall asleep so that we may actually get some results from her sleeping and not awake!
It is freezing in this room, I took the blanket off of the bed I am sleeping on and laid it on top of her two blankets we brought from home. Hopefully she will be more comfortable and fall asleep soon. I on the other hand am freezing, but will wait until she is sound asleep before I dare even open the door to get another blanket from the linen cart in the hallway. Chalk this up to just another one of the things a mom does for her kiddos!
Say a prayer that Lucy sleeps tight and that we get some results from doing this study.
As always, thanks for all of your love and support.
PS I forgot my camera cord or else I would share some of the pics I took of her tonight.
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