The nurses on the floor are teasing Lucy saying that she just wants to spend all of the fall holidays with them, first Halloween and now Thanksgiving. Just when I thought weekends were desolate here, you should see it on a major holiday, it is down right deserted. We have yet to see any doctors make rounds today.
We are making the best of a less than ideal situation. Lucy and I have done a lot of cuddling and movie watching, she is loving Tinkerbell and Nemo, who knew!?! Lucy just melts into you when she is sick, she really just wants to be held by her mama, and I am more than happy to oblige. Last night was a busy night as far meds go, she is on two different types of antibiotics, one every six hours and one every eight hours. At 5 am the nurses come in to draw labs so that the doctors can have some of the results back by the time they come to do rounds. This means that our day starts off bright and early. Lucy is acting less sick, which has me worried that the antibiotics are indeed working, and this could possibly mean that she is dealing with some sort of infection. Dr. F called me last night to discuss our exciting entrance into the ER, and then to share with me that Lucy’s stomach bile is a bacterial soup. We’ll just have to wait and see what the cultures come back telling us.
(I give up trying to keep her lines from getting all knotted.)
Lucy and I watched a little of the Macy’s Parade this morning until she fell asleep. She kept pointing to the T.V. saying “I come”, she wanted to go and see the actual parade. I think she was remembering the parades we saw in Disney last year, at this time. What a difference a year makes…
Drew, my parents, and the kids are all at home preparing a Thanksgiving day feast to bring here to the hospital later on today. If I don’t think about what I am missing out on, and look instead at what I have right in front of me at this very moment, I am better able to handle this…We have SO MUCH to be thankful for this season!
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