(This picture has nothing to do with this post, it is just a random adorable picture of our girl with her daddy. Yes, those are feathers in her hair :)
Drew and I flew threw Costco last night, from the time in to the time out of the store, 20minutes! Impressive, we know. We arrived at 6:17pm and had to pick up 3/4’s of our kiddos twenty minutes away at 7:00 and 7:15pm respectfully. We were only a few minutes late getting the kids, we forgot to factor in the time it takes to load an entire cart of Costco groceries into our van around a wheelchair and a walker. How’d we do it, no kids in toe or a wheelchair, and we can walk fast. It also helped that we needed everything, so no list necessary, just grab what we usually buy and head to the checkout.
We came home and unloaded everything only to learn that our refrigerator was warm and our freezer even warmer…ugh! Needless to say I am waiting on the appliance repair person to come and take a look at it this morning. What I also didn’t realize is that my loving husband is one appliance repair away from losing it, well not really, but kind of. Last week it was our AC that needed repair, my laptop is/has been giving us grief for quite some time so we have been talking about our needs and how to cover those, our new van needs to go back to the dealer to have a part replaced and the airbag sensory adjusted again, it was just in for service last week Friday. And by the way, does anyone have a hay bailer that we can borrow to mow our lawn . It’s not so much the finances, although it’s never fun to write a check for repair costs, it’s more the time that it takes to address all of these issues. We are short on time, and our list of things that need our time is growing. Who on God’s green earth does not have this problem… we’re normal, right!?!
Lucy’s is experiencing plumbing problems of her own, her gj-tube has stopped draining altogether and is in need of replacement. Of course it’s Friday so it’s imperative that we get it fixed today, not to mention that she is uncomfortable. We are scheduled in IR this afternoon, and so begins the process of figuring out who’s going to be where and when.
Please know that I write all of this not for your sympathy, but to relay the humor and irony of the everyday. Drew and I know that one day we will look back on all of this with nostalgia, we love our life broken refrigerators, gj tubes, and all.
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