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March 2, 2011

Enough for a weekend!   These are just her J-tube meds, we have four more meds that are IV, and four meds that we add to her TPN.  Our wonderful nurse, Helen, helped to create this time saving dosing system.  Just a glimpse of our daily life…



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Clara-Leigh said...

Oh I am sooooo jealous at this organization....I know, all these meds SUCK, but you have a great system going there. Care to share your details so I can steal your great plan????
And is that crazy, neon orange stuff the opened capsules of riboflavin??? Looks familiar!!!
Huge hugs, and keep up all the work. These kiddos are so worth it!!! Hugs, Clara-Leigh

Jenniebean said...

thats great that you were able to get that all organized :)

eckman fam said...

i will remember this forever...and never...ever...complain about remembering three doses of something a day.

Unknown said...

More details, please! The control freak in me loves your organization. Do you pre-draw each med and put them in their own container? Or are the containers seperated by doses/time of day? Do you dissolve tablets ahead of time?(or maybe you don't have tablets that need to be dissolved...?) Your system looks great!

Debbie said...

wow...thats impressive in our world!Lol

Looks like a great system!