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Happy Monday!

October 13, 2009

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Yes, I’m trying to make an effort at celebrating the everyday, so happy Monday!  This week we have several doctors appointments (that will take up most of a day), a trip back to CHOP to have Lucy’s tube fixed and/or replaced,  soccer practice and a game, therapy times three, music classes times four, Jack’s heritage day at school on Friday morning, a session with an infant massage therapist(Lucy loves massage), a meeting for parents of special needs children, several play dates, a birthday party, shopping to find pants and shoes that fit Megan and Jack (WOW have they every grown!), a trip to Costco where I will attempt to stock up on food and supplies for the next three weeks,  and all of the other things that need to get done in a week despite what we have on our calendar.  Life is busy, but good!

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In the midst of all that we have going on we are really trying to celebrate each and everyday in our house.  Sounds corny, just try it!   It can be something as simple as giving an extra long hug in the morning, writing a “love” note to one another, calling my husband for no apparent reason or to say that I need to have the battery in the car replaced soon-hint hint, stopping to “really look” at one of the thousands of things that Sophie points out to us in a day, or doing really anything that makes this day just a little  more special.   Today I had a car picnic with Sophie as I was running errands to try and find pants for the big kids.  She thought it was "AWESOME”, and I loved that I did not have to unbuckle Lucy and eat in the restaurant.  I also put a sweet surprise in the big kids afternoon snack containers that really made their day.  Being conscious of making each day special really does make a difference!  This may sound silly to talk about, but life should be celebrated and enjoyed everyday, don’t you think!  Sure I am dreading the barrage of appointments this month, but tomorrow I am going to do something to make a very long day just a little special for everyone in our family!  Life is_____, you fill in the blank!

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