Sunday morning Lucy woke with a fever and has had one ever since. She is not acting like her "normal" self and it has Drew and I worried. We know that kids get sick with stuff all of the time but with Lucy things are different. She does not respond to illness like most children do so we need to take extra precautions. We have switched her to 24 hour continuous feeds until she feels better and starts eating well again. Although she just lays on us, her tone is good which is good sign that her body is handling this. Of course we are monitoring her very closely as we are hoping to avoid the hospital! I brought her in to see our pediatrician yesterday morning to make sure that we are not dealing with something bacterial. As of yesterday it appears that this is viral, possibly a strain of the flu. We are testing her urine for any sign of infection as a precaution. She is not sleeping well which in Lucy's world is the domino that starts the not eating well pattern. We'll keep you posted!
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